today was a little crummier than usual, i'll admit

i wake up
and it's suddenly monday
what a start

no breakfast for me
perhaps candy will suffice

a bus ride to school
socially awkward and uneventful

dreadful thoughts
excrutiating pain
violent situations
yet no outlet to plug into

drawing in math class
guess i won't do that because my computer restarted without reason

lunch rolls around
everyone is caught up playing battle cats
i'm not particularly interested

drawing in the library
perhaps i'll make my progress back
just do it all over again
"it'll be simple" you said

science class
a vocab havoc of terminologies
starting with...
...and you can't think of anything
hopelessly housed
exceptionally execrable
listless lingering
and pitiful pass ups

a bus ride to home
keep everything to yourself
no one will like your drawings

not even yourself.